Almost one third of all pregnancies in Lebanon are unintended. And yes that’s a lot.

According to a 2010 study, it was estimated that 29% of all pregnancies in Lebanon where unintended: 14% of the women did not want the pregnancy at all, and 15% wanted to have children at a later stage.

Another study shows that more than 40 % of married women between the ages of 15-49 do not use any contraceptive method at all, and a lot of married women who use a contraceptive method use the more traditional “pullout” method, associated with higher risks of failure than a condom or the pill. And this is without mentioning women (and men) who engage in premarital sex.

This situation is mainly due to the lack of family planning resources. If you need help or information on how to prevent unplanned pregnancies, you can call (anonymously) or whatsapp the A Project’s hotline: 76 680 620. Their website and FB page are also good sources of info!


Sources: Nassawiya, L&F