“ I studied in Utah, USA: when I was there, I was impressed by how beautiful nature is, and by how people and the government were protecting it. What a difference with Lebanon! Here the beautiful places we have are in danger of disappearing because we’re not taking care of them.

I am very attached to my country: I inherited from my father a field of olive trees in our village in Aaichiey. He himself inherited it from my grandfather. And I would love to be able to do the same thing with my kids later on.

So when I got back from the US, I decided to do something to protect the environment. This is why I created CubeX, a home-scale wastewater and solid waste treatment system. You can install it at home, it will transform your organic waste and wastewater in energy (fertilizer, cooking gas and/or irrigation water).”

With CubeX, Marc Aoun, 25, won the Switched competition for green startups organized by the Diane Foundation and the EU. CubeX is part of CompostBaladi.