How she changes the world: Joy Fayad is a singer, composer and musician. She recently sang for the healthcare professionals and the people stranded in hospitals, bringing them joy and good mood.
Her testimony is part of our #confinementstories series.

“I believe that music has a very strong effect on people and can change their mood whether they’re physically ill or in need of emotional support.

So when Ahla Fawda NGO asked me to sing for the healthcare professionals and the people stranded in hospitals, I immediately said yes. With violinist Oliver Maalouf, we played and sang music in front of 10 or so hospitals. Witnessing the healthcare professionals and sick people sing together and just be happy… it made us happy! 

Music, and art in general, always had a soothing effect on me, when I am afraid or in doubt. It’s been the case since I got my first guitar when I was 7 years old.
During college I played in a band, and even though I studied graphic design  at ALBA, as soon as I graduated I started singing full time in bars, mostly covers, and writing my own songs on the side.
With the lockdown, I do my singing on Insta Live. And I finally worked on my first album! It’s the Thawra that made me want to share my own songs with the public. I actually composed my first title, Rebel, 10 years ago, but I never dared to share it before.  

I will most probably release the album when Covid19 is over. All my songs inspire you to make your dreams come true, to go above and beyond yourself, to not let yourself get down or blocked by any situation. They all say that it’s your life, that it’s worth fighting for and that we should not let anyone take it from us.”

Joy Fayad is a musician, singer and composer. You most probably saw a video of her singing in front of hospitals this past month (we even shared it ourselves 🙂 ).

You can check Rebel, the first single of her new album here.
