Having trouble sleeping these days? Your mind can’t seem to rest and thinks about the Covid19, the economic crisis in Lebanon, the inflation, your job, etc.?
You are not alone!
Our friends and partners at Shakti Beirut share with us 5 yoga poses that you can do to help you sleep better.

Yoga and breathwork activate your parasympathetic nervous system, which helps counteract stress and help you relax. Here are 5 yoga poses that can help you sleep better. We suggest you do each of these postures for at least a minute or two.

1- Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

Photo by Arjun Arora

Walk your feet to your hands with feet hip-width apart and a slight bend in the knees, hold your elbows. Exhale and lengthen down through the crown of your head.

2- Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

Photo by Arjun Arora

Sit tall on the edge of a folded blanket with your legs extended. Exhale and stretch your spine long as you fold forward. Keeping your spine lengthened, hold onto your feet or shins, with your elbows bent and arms relaxed.

3- Viparita Karani (Legs-up-the-Wall Pose)

Photo by Arjun Arora

Sit close to a wall and place a blanket behind you, perpendicular to the wall. Lie back onto the blanket with buttocks as close to the wall as possible and send your legs up. Rest with your arms by your sides.

4- Siddhasana (Adept’s Pose)

Photo by Arjun Arora

Sit with your ankles lined up. Softly close your eyes, tuning into the rhythm of your breath and becoming aware of your breath. Inhale and lengthen your spine; exhale and root down through your seat. Rest your hands on your knees, with index fingertips touching thumbs.

5- Savasana (Corpse Pose)

Photo by Arjun Arora

Lie back, letting your legs and arms relax. Bring your attention to your breath and try not to get carried away by your thoughts. Be aware of your inhalation and exhalation and completely unwind in this position.

These postures, when done well should give you a good night’s rest 🙂

Text and Illustration: Shakti Beirut