Because we care about mental health at L&F, and because we want to help you live in these times of crisis as well as possible, we have listened to a lot of podcasts, watched webinars and read articles that deal with the subject. And we have decided to sum up the best ones for you!

Let’s all take a deep breath and allow ourselves to feel our emotions. Now is not the time for self-improvement. 

That’s in a nutshell the main message of our second favorite article in our #howtohurtless series. In an article aptly titled “Don’t make yourself a project: why the pandemic is not the time for self-improvement”, published in Elephant journal, Life Coach Audree Brown encourages us to pause, and let it all sink in. As we’ve mentioned before, we are currently living a collective trauma and we need to grieve. 

Watching Netflix or focusing on learning a new skill have an “undertone of self denial, as though if we say “all is well,” and embody the platitude, then maybe the world will put itself back together again.”

But denying these feelings is denying the reality of the situation, and they might come back to hurt us at a later stage until we process them. 

So take the time to identify your feelings: are you sad? Angry? Afraid? Anxious? By acknowledging your feelings, you can process them, and be true to yourself. 

As Audree Brown says: “Breathe. Feel. Get through the day. And repeat. That is enough for right now”

#becausewearealllockeddown #becausewealllovelabneh