Well, we learned during our investigation that there are more than 30 infections that you can get when you have unprotected sex (oral, vaginal or anal). Some of these sexually transmitted infections (STI*s) are symptomless, yet they can cause infertility or cancer! 
Getting an STI can literally happen to anyone, and most probably will happen to most of us! Sorry we didn’t mean to scare you, but we thought you might be interested. Don’t worry, we have solutions. 

*You might be more familiar with the term STD, or sexually transmitted disease. It was the old name in use. The thing is, getting  infected does not automatically translate to catching a disease, ie showing symptoms of illness. Hence the new name, STI, or sexually transmitted infection, and the importance of getting tested!  

At least 50% of the Lebanese youth don’t use protection when they have sex! (source: Marsa Sexual Health Center)😱

And it is a problem, because to date, using a condom is the only way to get protected against most STIs. And there are more than 30 infections that can sexually be transmitted! 

And no, being “from a good family” or looking “cute” are in no way proof that someone does not carry an infection. You just need ONE unprotected sex encounter with someone infected to catch an infection. 

We’re focusing here on the 6 most common STIs (here is more exhaustive list if you want to know more, but it’s in French: https://www.chl.lu/sites/chl/files/files/brochures/Brochure-MST-CHL-2017.pdf)) 

1-Chlamydia : It’s a very contagious bacteria that can be transmitted during unprotected sex (vaginal, oral, anal). Usually, there are no symptoms and it can result in infertility for women. The infection can be easily cured with antibiotics if detected early. It can be detected through pap smear of urine test. 

2- Human Papillomavirus (HPV) : It’s the most common IST, as it can be transmitted even if you wear a condom, by sheer contact of mucous membranes. In the US, it is estimated that up to 80 percent of the population gets infected at one point or another in their life. In most cases, HPV goes away on its own and does not cause any health problems. But sometimes it can cause genital warts, which can be cured with creams or laser. 

And most importantly, HPV is the main cause of cervical cancer in women. Certain strains of the virus can cause precancerous lesions, which can turn years later into full blown cancer. The only way to detect them before they do some serious damage is to be serious about your annual pap smear at the gynecologist! 

You can also get vaccinated against the most dangerous strains. Experts recommend that you get vaccinated before you start your sexual life, wether you’re a man or a woman. Because new research suggests that some types of throat and mouth cancers that affect men are caused by HPV. Price in Lebanon : around $600, not reimbursed.

3- Gonorrhea : It’s an infection due to a bacteria that causes men to feel a painful and burning sensation when urinating, and women to suffer from vaginal yeast. But some people don’t show any symptoms, yet the infection can lead to infertility for women if it is not treated, usually with antibiotics. Gonorrhea can be detected through local sample and/or blood or urine samples. 

4- Herpes: It’s a virus that causes blisters on the genital organs. You may feel itchy or tingly around your genitals. This is usually followed by painful, small blisters that pop and leave sores that ooze or bleed. You may have a fever or a headache. This is an outbreak, and this is when the virus is most contagious. Outside of the outbreaks, which can be very painful, herpes does not show any symptoms and is not dangerous.  The disturbances linked to the outbreak can be attenuated, but once you get the virus, you’ll always have it! Though it does not mean that outbreaks will be frequent: 50 to 70 % of people who are contaminated with herpes will only suffer through one outbreak. Herpes can be detected through blood test and viral culture.

5- Hepatitis B : It’s a very contagious virus which can cause liver cancer in the long run. A vaccine exists to avoid contamination, it is compulsory in France since 2018. Symptoms include jaundice and a general state of fatigue. A blood test will tell you if you are contaminated.

6- AIDS! It is estimated that  2 200  people live with AIDS  in Lebanon, meaning, 0.04 for every 1,000 adults between 15 and 49 years old. Proportionally, it’s less than in France, where 0.18 for every 1,000 adults are contaminated. But research suggests that the number of young Lebanese living with AIDs is increasing. AIDS can be detected with a blood test. There is a fast version of the test where results are obtained in 20 minutes!

So, how do we protect ourselves?

1- We use condoms! It’s to date the only way to protect yourself from most of these STIs. We know, it’s not easy to buy condoms in this country, especially if you’re not married. Or you might feel that condoms decrease your pleasure. The solution is to find the size that really fits you, and experiment with textures! You should find one that suits your needs 🙂

2- We get checked on a yearly basis, even if we only have protected sex: pap smear if you’re a woman, blood test if you’re a man or a woman. Unfortunately in Lebanon insurances don’t pay for these tests, but some organizations offer free or affordable testing (we’ll post a link soon). So ask for a prescription from your doctor of gynecologist, it’s the only way to detect all the infections that are symptomless. Most of the time, when detected early, STIs are easily cured. So don’t jeopardize your health and the health of your partner just because you’re afraid of getting tested. Everyone is affected at one time or another in their lives. 

And if you’re in a monogamous relationship, get both tested before you throw away your condoms! 

This article is part of our investigation on sexuality in Lebanon, #LFonsexuality

If you want to know a bit more about STIs:

A podcast  (in Arabic) : https://hakawati.fm/episodes/view/26214?_branch_match_id=598530274149985081
The Insta page (in Arabic and English ) of sexologist Sandrine Atallah: https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17879537296407315/
The Insta page Love Matters (in Arabic) : https://www.instagram.com/lovemattersarabic/


Reporting and writing: Nada Maucourant Atallah & Soraya Hamdan
Translating: Nour Chidiac
Illustration: Eva Besse/ Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash
Editing: MJ Daoud