
Hi guys!
So we’ve been confined for some time now. And the least we can say, it’s that from a mental health perspective, it’s not exactly easy. We are bombarded with information on a daily, if not hourly basis; information that’s not always reliable, that is often contradictory, and that is almost always anxiety-inducing

Because we do care about mental health at L&F, and because we want to help you live in these times of crisis as well as possible, we have listened to a lot of podcasts, watched webinars and read articles that deal with the subject. And we have decided to sum them up for you! After all, we know that not all of you feel like watching a 75 min webinar, or listen to a 30 min podcast :).

What we’ll do is that we are going to publish on our social networks and on our website a series of posts that sum up our favorite pieces, the ones we feel help clarify the situation, under the hashtag #howtohurtless

And in the end, we’ll compile them all in a long-form article that sums up our findings.

Please share your tips and resources with us, we’ll keep updating our findings and share them with you!

PS: the hashtag #howtohurtless was inspired by an amazing webinar organized by the IWMF and titled.. Making the World Hurt Less: Enhancing Wellbeing During a Time of Stress, that we will share with you in the coming days 🙂

#becausewealllovelabneh #becausewearealllockeddown